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Headshot of Vic Brown Hill and Brad E. MacDonald

Marietta Property Division Lawyers

One of the most important issues divorcing couples must address is the division of their marital assets. Property division is often one of the most contentious subjects, but with the help of Marietta property division attorneys from Hill Macdonald, LLC, your issues should be resolved as quickly and amicably as possible.

At the Marietta, Georgia, law office of Hill Macdonald, LLC, our skilled family law attorneys’ goal is to ensure that our clients receive all that they are entitled to in contested or high-asset divorces, as well as minimize their debt responsibilities.

Marietta Equitable Distribution Attorneys

Georgia is an equitable distribution state. Equitable, however, is not necessarily defined as a 50-50 division of assets and debt. Fair property division is a matter of discretion left to the judge or jury hearing your case. Assets and debts to be divided are the assets and debt as of the date of your divorce decree, not future totals.

As property division lawyers with more than 25 years of combined experience, attorneys Vic Brown Hill and Brad E. Macdonald will powerfully protect your best interests in all marital property division matters.

Aggressive Advocacy For Your Fair Share Of Marital Property In Marietta

When courts address division of martial property during a divorce, these factors may be considered:

  • Liquidity and tax consequences
  • Conduct during the marriage
  • Alimony obligations
  • Premarital and prenuptial agreement
  • Contribution to the value of the property
  • Separate property or gifts and inheritance
  • Assets, debts and financial position of each spouse
  • Valuation of retirement accounts, 401(k)s, pensions and investments

Separate Versus Marital Property

Another important factor in property division is classification of property as marital or separate property. Separate property is all property owned by the spouse prior to the marriage or specifically gifted to or inherited during the marriage. In most circumstances, separate property is excluded from equitable division consideration.

High-Asset Divorce And Dealing With Family-Owned Businesses

In divorces involving high-value assets or the division of a family business, our law firm relies on the expertise of trusted valuation, tax and accounting professionals who work hard to ensure that the value of your assets is clear and any potential tax implications are revealed.

Contact Hill Macdonald, LLC, Today

Evening And Weekend Appointments By Request

Contact our Marietta office online today, or call toll free at 770-679-2177 to schedule an initial consultation with our experienced attorneys. We respond promptly to all messages we receive.

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