Marietta Divorce Lawyers
The decision to pursue a divorce is never easy. With so much at stake – lifestyle, finances, the relationship with your child, and your own future – you need to turn to someone you can trust.
Only an experienced Marietta divorce attorney can offer relevant, reliable, individualized advice about ending your marriage – in ways that legally dignify your relationship and minimize the damage of divorce on your children. You can turn to the Marietta law firm of Hill Macdonald, LLC.
We are thoughtful and deliberate in our counsel, aggressive with our advocacy when we need to be, and protective of the best interests of your children at all times. Arrange a divorce consultation today.
Comprehensive Representation In Divorce
Esteemed Marietta lawyers Vic Brown Hill and Brad E. Macdonald have 25 years of collective practice in the family courts of Cobb County, Fulton County and Cherokee County. In or out of court, they can help you resolve conflicts and protect your interests regarding:
A Trial Lawyer Is Always Prepared
Uncontested divorce, mediation and other nonadversarial approaches to divorce have their advantages, but we find that aggressive preparation for trial pays dividends for our clients. This kind of efficient, proactive preparation often encourages a fair settlement and saves our clients money. We have every intention of winning when litigation becomes necessary.
Knowledgeable And Caring Divorce Advocacy In Marietta
Our doors are always open to you. We welcome the opportunity to serve you in any way we can. We want our legal leadership to be a source of comfort as you move forward with your life.
Evening And Weekend Appointments By Request
To schedule an initial consultation with one of our accomplished Marietta divorce attorneys, call 770-679-2177 or toll free 770-679-2177. You can also reach out to us through our online form – we respond promptly to all messages we receive.
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