Family law issues can be emotionally challenging. If a situation involves domestic violence, though, the process of divorce or determining child custody could be downright dangerous. Thankfully, the law provides mechanisms such as protective orders to ensure the...
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Cobb County Divorce Law Blog
What happens to a trust when spouses divorce?
On Behalf of Hill Macdonald, LLC | Jul 15, 2024 | Divorce
Some divorcing couples have very little property or debt to address. Others have complicated financial circumstances that require careful planning. Spouses who have enjoyed higher levels of income during their marriages tend to have more thorough financial plans in...
What happens to family pets in a Georgia divorce?
On Behalf of Hill Macdonald, LLC | Jul 5, 2024 | Divorce
Certain property division matters lead to intense emotions and could prompt intense fighting between spouses. People often become anxious or angry at the prospect of dividing certain resources with a spouse. Those who are close to retirement age, for example, may...
Holding a spouse accountable for dissipating marital assets
On Behalf of Hill Macdonald, LLC | May 1, 2024 | Property Division
Divorce has the potential to bring out the absolute worst behavior in some individuals. People become angry about the end of the marriage even if they want to divorce. They resent the idea of sharing resources or parenting time with their spouse. They want to secure...
Divorcing in Georgia? 3 potentially complex marital assets to consider
On Behalf of Hill Macdonald, LLC | Apr 20, 2024 | Property Division
Divorce is a complex process. Dividing marital assets fairly, for example, is rarely a walk in the park. Georgia adheres to an equitable division standard, meaning assets acquired during a marriage are split based on what's fair, not necessarily a 50/50 split, in the...
Child custody considerations in Georgia
On Behalf of Hill Macdonald, LLC | Mar 26, 2024 | Child Custody
Child custody arrangements in Georgia have to address two specific areas that form the basis of a parenting situation post-split. These are legal and physical custody, both of which govern specific decisions related to a child’s life. Legal custody pertains to the...
3 things to pay keen attention to during a high-asset divorce
On Behalf of Hill Macdonald, LLC | Feb 11, 2024 | Divorce
When it comes to divorce, if substantial wealth and assets are involved, the stakes are generally higher for both spouses than they are during “average” divorces. Unlike typical divorces, where assets may be limited to a family home, vehicles and savings, high-asset...
Who keeps a 401(k) in a Georgia divorce?
On Behalf of Hill Macdonald, LLC | Jan 23, 2024 | Property Division
Those contemplating divorce in Georgia often have reason to worry about their finances and future opportunities. Divorce not only costs money but also typically affects the assets that someone holds. Those who have saved for retirement during their marriages may worry...
Divorce: Asset transfers and capital gains taxes
On Behalf of Hill Macdonald, LLC | Nov 16, 2023 | Property Division
Dividing property and other assets during divorce can be a highly emotional process. However, it’s crucial to be smart about it. That means looking at the long-term financial and tax impacts of keeping an asset, letting your spouse have it or agreeing to sell it and...
How stock options can complicate a Georgia divorce
On Behalf of Hill Macdonald, LLC | Oct 25, 2023 | Property Division
Property division is frequently the most challenging aspect of divorce. Not every couple has children, but almost all married couples share some resources or debts. Negotiating an equitable or fair way to split property and resolve financial obligations is often a...
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