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Attorneys Vic Hill and Brad MacDonald

Signs your wife is planning to divorce you

Marriages do not end overnight. While the service of divorce papers from your wife may come as a surprise to you, this is not a decision she made in one instant. Her plans for divorce started long before then. 

You may think arguments or affairs are telltale signs you two are headed for divorce. However, many marriages survive cheating, and many divorces come when things are seemingly going well. What signs, then, are likelier to mean your wife is preparing for divorce?

Giving up

A woman who no longer shows interest in you, the relationship or things you normally fight about is a woman who has given up. Your wife may exhibit this resignation in the following ways:

  • Refusing marriage counseling
  • No longer communicating with you
  • Being emotionally distant
  • Withholding affection and physical intimacy
  • Spending more time away from you
  • Brushing off conflict

Many marriages go through periods of disconnection and neglect, but when they lead to feelings of hopelessness, chances of divorce are higher.

Living a new life

Is your wife acting as if she were single, going out with friends more than normal? Has she changed her appearance, spent more time on her phone or taken up a new hobby? Has she been making important life decisions without your input? This new lifestyle may mean divorce papers are on their way.

Making financial changes

A smart woman will financially prepare for divorce before going through with it. Your wife may open her own bank account, or if she already has one, direct all her income to it. She may remove her or your name from other financial accounts. Other possible warning signs include saving up cash, hiding assets, redirecting mail and gifting money or property to loved ones.

Last of all, if she has been talking to divorced friends or looking up advice on divorce online, she is definitely considering it. Even if you think your marriage is salvagable, it is smart to talk to an attorney about your options just in case.