Recently, a man was stunned to receive notification that he was being held responsible for a bill totaling thousands of dollars. It is apparently in relation to back child support that he was told years ago he didn’t owe. Unfortunately for him, however, a judge has decided that he will have to pay it. While the majority of non-custodial parents in Georgia do have to pay support, most likely none of them will ever have a story like this man’s.
The bill stems from the 1980s when the man and his wife divorced. Approximately six years later, in 1993, the mother of this man’s now adult daughter lost custody of the child. At the time full custody was awarded to the father, he was advised that the child support agency would no longer seek payments. In fact, the man was sent a letter stipulating that he did not owe anything for support. However, at the time he was given custody, he admits that he was behind in support payments by a few thousand dollars.
Over the past several years, he has received demands for payment that now exceeds $48,000. The agency seeking payment has determined that not only does he still owe for the original arrears, but he is also now liable for more than $43,000 in interest payments. Apparently, every time the man received notification that his driving privileges were suspended or his paychecks were being garnished, he went to the local office and all collections and penalties were stopped.
Unfortunately, at this time, the man has been ordered by a judge to make payments. The man is in is 60s and says that he will never be able to pay the demanded amount in full, especially in light of the 12% interest added each year. Georgia parents who are seeking information concerning child support or similar issues do have resources to turn to for help. The goal of most parents, both custodial and non, is to ensure that their children receive all of the support possible, be it emotional, physical or monetary, in order to allow their children the opportunity to grow up in the most nurturing environment possible.
Source:, “Man Questions $48,000 Child Support Bill –”, Jennifer Kraus, May 1, 2014