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Ways to protect children in Georgia during a divorce

There are many questions people in Georgia ask themselves during a divorce. The most important question they should be asking themselves is how to protect their children during the divorce. There are a few key steps that can help minimize this upsetting experience.

One step in protecting the children is to not dwell on the divorce. People should remember to have fun with their children and let them do activities they enjoy doing. It is important not to use them as a spy or as a messenger, and not to speak negatively about the ex-spouse. This will not only keep stress off of them but positively impact one’s relationship with their children. Children do not want to talk bad about one parent to another.

Having a therapist is a good outlet for a child in order to speak about their feelings. This neutral third party can allow them to talk about their unhappiness, bitterness or guilt that they may feel about the divorce. It may even be a good idea for the parents to speak to a therapist as well. This will allow an outlet for any negative feelings and keep the children from becoming that outlet.

Some people forget to take care of themselves during a divorce. It is wise to remember that a divorce is stressful and can have an effect on one’s ability to be the parent the children need. While the children are gone, one should have a massage, go out with friends or take time to enjoy some silence. This can help a person feel more energized and be a more positive support system for the children.

The most important thing to remember during a divorce is that the children are not responsible for the divorce. Many parents do not realize that children often blame themselves for their parents divorcing. It is necessary to remind them often that it is not their fault and that both parents love them. These tips can help any parent in Georgia who is going through a divorce and wanting to protect their children.

Source: Huffington Post, 5 Ways to Protect Children During Divorce, Deborah Anderson Bialis, Nov. 25, 2013