The holidays can be an overwhelming time of the year for families in Georgia. Unfortunately, many people partaking in the holiday season are ticking time bombs, and they are not alone. Many people are just trying to get through one final holiday season without dampening the holiday spirit with the word divorce.
There are some things people in Georgia — who are preparing for a post-holiday divorce — need to keep in mind during the festivities of the holidays. First, they should avoid fights, especially in public. Since they are already trying to make it through the holidays, keeping arguments to a bare minimum will allow the holiday spirit to continue. Also, they should make sure they have all financial paperwork in order. They will need to have copies of tax returns, billing statements and pay stubs to help get through the divorce settlement.
People should also remember to give themselves some slack from the guilt of a divorce. Holidays are a stressful time with traveling, holiday merriment, gifts and other obligations. People should keep this in mind while purchasing gifts. This will help many from running up credit card bills and, in turn, allow for fewer items to be fought over during the divorce settlement. Also, people shouldn’t make promises they can’t keep; one should avoid committing to things and then passing up on several of them.
The people of Georgia should try to remember that there are many things to keep in mind during the holidays and a divorce. The most important one is health. Stress can lead to many potentially dangerous concerns, such as depression, heart disease and anxiety. During this holiday season, it would be wise for people to remember to take care of themselves, now and into the future.
Source: Huffington Post, That Special Time of Year: Holidays Mean Waiting to Divorce, Morghan Leia Richardson, Nov. 19, 2013