While divorce is common in this day and age, it is thought that once a marriage has lasted for over 10 years that it will most likely last for life. However, Georgia citizens may be interested to learn that more couples who have been married for 15 and 20 years are headed for divorce. The reasons for this may be so apparent that they are often taken for granted in the relationship.
One reason might be that they have no common bond once any children are grown and have moved out of the house. Some look at that time as a chance to take on new opportunities as a couple, but others may see it as a time of frustration and fear of being alone with someone they feel they no longer know. Another reason may be the familiar “mid-life crisis;” in essence, comparing where a person feels he or she is in that stage of life to where earlier life objectives were set. Other concerns, such as caring for elderly parents or increasing numbers of deaths of friends and family members, may test the strength of the marriage.
There are some actions that can be taken in a marriage that could help avoid a future divorce. The main point is to communicate with each other, whether it is about fears or about the good things. Setting aside time to be alone with each other is imperative, especially when there are children. When there are problems, time spent with a therapist may be helpful.
For those Georgia couples who feel like divorce is the only option at any stage of life, choosing the right course of action may be confusing. There are those who can explain options and possible outcomes to each. The laws concerning divorce are complicated, and someone facing this difficult time may gain by ensuring that his or her best interests are carefully represented.
Source: Huffington Post, Marriage Problems That Lead To Divorce After Decades, Laura Seldon, Sept. 9, 2013